FHC Engineering utilizes the latest versions of industry-leading 3D solid modeling software, to create a realistic 3D model for the prototype (Foam Skids, Breathing Air Systems) & also for supplier/client communication.
We perform Finite Element Analysis in actual boundary conditions for all prototype 3D models to optimize the design and cost, prior to manufacture. Our Design team streamlines the overall design cycle and manufacturing process to enhance the product life span.
Working with 3D models also allows for seamless integration with our FEA and CFD analysis software and offers the ability to create photo-realistic renderings and animations useful for design proposals and marketing material.
We have dedicated engineers and CAD technicians who utilize SolidWorks Pipe net & PV-elite for design and simulation. Detailed Shop floor drawings are generated to make our fabrication process ease.
Define your requirement and FHC engineers will design a solution specifically to meet your needs...